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Certification – Windows/External Doors/Curtain Walls – QM 320 SG


Licenser are among the think tanks of new window and external pedestrian doorset designs. However, in addition to the technical basics, formal aspects of CE marking such as specifications for factory production control must also be observed.

The ift certification supports the licenser of windows, external pedestrian doorsets and curtain walls in taking into account all aspects for CE marking by his licensee. With the ift System Passport at level "ift Quality", the licenser also provides the basis for certification of his licensee according to the ift certification scheme for windows and external pedestrian doorsets - QM 320, the ift certification scheme for curtain walls - QM 329 or the RAL quality mark according to RAL-GZ 695.

Products in Detail

The following products fall within the area of this certification:

Windows, external pedestrian doorsets, curtain walls

Interested in Certification of Windows, External Pedestrian Doorsets or Curtain Walls for Licensers?

The ift certification body accompanies you with auditors who are competent in the industry and in the field and thus assesses your products and management systems. Certification by ift Rosenheim enjoys a high level of accreditation among manufacturers, planners, dealers, specifiers and consumers.

Would you like to find out how certification by ift Rosenheim works?



Certified Companies

Via the free search you can search according to the following criteria: Company, location, product, subject of certification, certificate ID (XXX-XXXXX), certificate number.

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Team Produktzertifizierung

The industry expertise of our auditors enables the practical, holistic and neutral evaluation of your products. 

Are you interested in a certification? Please feel free to contact us (from left to right: Christian Kehrer († 2024), Christiane Heer, David Hepp, Pascal Geiger).